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Ontohub is an open ontology repository which supports organisation, collection, retrieval, mapping, translation, and evaluation of a wide array of ontologies formalised in diverse languages.

The Ontohub team is looking forward to providing technological infrastructure for the forthcoming FOIS 2014 Ontology Competition. Accordingly, several new features are going to be launched on the Ontohub soon.

This wiki entrance aims at providing instructions and support to the Ontohub users. See also FAQ.

User Interface

1.1. Start

The home page of Ontohub provides access to all ontologies, symbols, logics and ontology mappings stored in this repository. Recently updated repositories and ontologies are listed as well.

1.2. Sign In

The full functionality of Ontohub (ontology editing, creation, mapping, visualisation, and evaluation) is available upon sign in. Every registered Ontohub user can modify and adjust its own version of interface, i.e. specific and highly personalised access to the repository content (see MyOntohub).

1.3. Ontologies

When searching for a particular ontology, you may type the name of the ontology or its acronym to retrieve it. If you do not know the name of the ontology, you may also type the name of the logic by which the ontology is supported and labels of symbols contained in the ontology in order to retrieve all ontologies supported by this logic containing one symbols for each typed-in symbol label.

1.4. Symbols

1.5. Logics

1.6. Mappings

1.7. Icons

Common Tasks

2.1. Submitting an ontology

2.2. Editing an ontology

2.3. Visualising mappings

2.4. Evaluating an ontology


3.1. Ontohub Git

3.2. My Ontohub

3.3. HETS

Ontohub accesses the Heterogeneous Tool Set Hets via a RESTful web service interface for having the structure of ontologies analyzed. Hets already supports a large number of basic ontology languages and logics, and is capable of describing the structural outline of an ontology from the perspective of DOL, which is not committed to one particular logic.

3.4. DOL

Distributed Ontology Language (DOL) covers all state-of-the-art ontology languages, and provides a meta level on top of these. This meta level allows for the representation of logically heterogeneous ontologies. DOL ontologies may comprise of modules written in ontology languages with different underlying logics. Moreover, the DOL meta level constructs allow for links between ontologies such as relative interpretations or conservative extensions. [1]

Since the Ontohub infrastructure supports DOL, it allows the Ontohub users

- to relate ontologies that are written in different formalisms;

- to re-use ontology modules even if they have been formulated in a different formalism;

- to re-use ontology tools like theorem provers and module extractors along translations between formalisms.

DOL is currently being standardised within the OntoIOp working group.

3.5. LoLa Ontology

LoLa is an ontology of (ontology) Logics and Languages. Onthub implements LoLa for structuring the repository content. The OWL core of the LoLa ontology comprises classes for ontology languages, logics, mappings (translations or projections) between ontology languages and between logics, as well as serialisations. The LoLa properties relate all of the former classes to each other. Besides its OWL module, LoLa includes additional FOL axioms for closure rules not expressible in OWL, such as non-expressible role compositions and circumscription rules for minimising the extension of default translations. [2]


Term Description
Logical theory set of expressions (like non-logical symbols, sentences and structuring elements) in a given logical language
Alignment flexible, relational link that does not always have a formal, logic-based semantics
Matching algorithmic procedure that generates an alignment for two given logical theories
Logical language language that is used for writing down logical theories (e.g. formal ontologies, models and specification), equipped with a formal, declarative, logic-based semantics, plus non-logical annotations
Link relationship between two logical theories, relating their non-logical symbols
Language translation mapping from constructs in the source logical language to their equivalents in the target logical language
Interpretation logical link that postulates a relation between two logical theories
Combination aggregation of several logical theories along links to a new logical theory where (only) the linked non-logical symbols of the involved logical theeories are identified
Conservativity property of an extension of theories, ensuring that the extension does not add new logical context
Basic logical theory set of non-logical symbols, sentences, annotations about them, which is used as a building block for a larger logical theory
Axiom sentence postulated to be valid (i.e. true in every model), party of a logical theory
Theorem sentence that has been proven (in some logical theory) from other axioms and theorem
Structured logical theory logical theory that results from other logical theories by import, union, combination, renaming or other structuring operations
Sentence term that is either true or false in a given model, i.e. which is assigned a truth value in this model
Satisfaction relation relation between models and sentences indicating which sentences hold true in the model
Non-logical symbol atomic expression or syntactic constituent of a logical theory that requires an interpretation through a model
Module extraction activity of obtaining from anlogical theory concrete modules to be used for a particular purpose (e.g. to contain a particular sub-signature of the original logical theory)
Module subtheory that conservatively extends to the whole logical theory
Model semantic interpretation of all non-logical symbols of a logical theory, satisfying the theory's axioms
Approximation reduction of a theory to a less expressive logical language, such that the original theory implies the approximation


  1. Jump up Mossakowski, Till, Christoph Lange, and Oliver Kutz. "Three Semantics for the Core of the Distributed Ontology Language." FOIS. 2012. PDF
  2. Jump up Lange, Christoph, Till Mossakowski, and Oliver Kutz. "LoLa: A Modular Ontology of Logics, Languages, and Translations." Workshop on Modular Ontologies (WoMO) 2012. 2012. PDF